A fun outing with the D's

Happy Anniversary Mr. & Mrs. D!!!! What a beautiful family!!

The "G" Family...What great people!

I am truly blessed to know this family!!!I

Check out azcentral.com

I am honored to contract with Channel 12 News. Check out the latest...Conan O'Brien soon to be host of the Tonight Show.
Wow, does he have puffy hair! Isn't it cool!

Saturday Morning In the Park

Here's wishing you the Luck o' the Irish!

Legend of Saint Patrick
Good St. Patrick travelled far, to teach God's Holy Word and when he came to Erin's sod, a wondrous thing occurred..he plucked a shamrock from the earth and held it in His hand..to symbolise the Trinity that all might understand..The first leaf for the Father and the second for the Son, the third leaf for the Holy Spirit..all three of them in one.

Please pray for all people who hide behind the barriers they have created that prevent them from finding true joy or true peace.